I craft the best consumer products with surprise, delight, and love. It's fun and rewarding. Previously at Waymo, Google, and Pinterest.

After 7pm, I play tennis, badminton, and talk about career and money with craft and design thinking on YouTube.


I go by Justeen Lee. I believe design should fundamentally instill surprise and delight in the process of creation, and ultimately lead to products that bring people value, and even better: crack smiles.

To do that, I carefully and rigorously choreograph together intentions, motion studies, sensor I/O’s, and code in a form of prototypes. All for bringing a simple thought to life. All for letting people touch, feel, and immerse themselves in something natural, joyful, and heartwarming.

An easter egg on playground
Another easter egg on work (spoiler: a secret menu somewhere)
Smiles (and coolnesses) on Instagram and Dribbble
Design, finance, & travel vlogs on Youtube
Coffee/Hi with 100% response rate on LinkedIn
Rarely on Twitter
Behind the scene of this site on blog and GitHub